
The India growth story in keenly watched by investors, financial institutions, economists, leading global corporations, Governments and various other international communities at large. The Indian economy has done well for itself inspite of various challenges in business as well as political changes both in the international as well as domestic scenario

Thus as the Indian economy gains momentum and stature, it is adjusting and adapting itself to the frequent changes in socio, economic and political developments and changes taking place in the domestic as well as the global environments.

Many economic and political pundits say that things can only get better from here. Some of the reasons for this optimism are due to:

  • Enormity of domestic demand
  • The demographic profile of the Indian population
    • About 65% of the population is less than 35 years of age
    • About 50% of the population is less than 25 years of age
  • Emergence of new opportunities in the semi-urban and rural markets
  • Greater awakening in the youth towards key socio-economic issues like corruption, green environment, pollution, organic farming, gender bias etc.
  • Improving health care facilities for the needy and economically weaker sections
  • Importance of school education and right to education especially primary school education
  • Huge investments in high education and high focus on employability skills
  • Increasing enthusiasm towards entrepreneurship by the youth

and many more such factors

All this boils down to 3 major  areas for evolving product propositions and  focus areas targeted at the youth so that they can capitalize on the emerging opportunities.

  1. Enhancement of sector specific employability and English language skills among the youth to enable them emerge as global citizens
  2. Provide cost effective support mechanisms in various functional areas of business especially small and medium enterprises and budding entrepreneurs
  3. Enhancement of service orientation and leadership capabilities

The strong emergence of these three need areas is the genesis for starting a service organisation with clear propositions and offerings in these areas to identified organisations and individual target audience.

Thus was born, SV Strategic Consulting Services – SVSCS, in Feb. 2013.

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